Jun 15, 2023Liked by Woke Watch Canada

“Raising a flag specifically representing a group of people whose main characteristic of identification is related to their sexual desires” is an abuse of the educational mission. There should be no pride flags in schools. People who choose sexual fetishes should not be allowed to parade them in front of students.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Woke Watch Canada

The brainwashing is for real! It is the saddest thing living in these times. I feel helpless because I am a homophobe and bigot.

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As Jordan Peterson says, "How do you know when progressivism has gone too far?" One example is complaining that Islamaphobia is on the rise while simultaneously condemning Muslim parents for protesting along side Christians against gender ideology in school. Another is our prime minister constantly telling the population that LBGT hate is everywhere. Meanwhile, every government institution, school, bank, sports team and corporation are drowning in rainbow flags.

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And the meaning of the flag has shifted so far that some in the lgb community are uncomfortable with what or has become. As conversion therapy for being gay is state funded as it is believed trans is better.

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A school with a blm and rainbow flag was asked if not having the flag of Palestine means they hate Palestinians and if not having the flag of isreal means they are antisemitic. They claimed the rainbow flag was mandated and the black fist of militant race essentialist lesbians is not forbidden. Their excuse for the rainbow flag is that some kids “show signs” at age 10. If a child is showing signs of sexualization that early in any form it suggests they are being abused. The one girl who identifies as non binary in the school shows a range of indicators of this but the rainbow flag shields her abusers by making inquiries a hate crime. This has echoes of state power abuses seen in residential schools. Indigenous kids were forced to practice a colonizing religion and punished for practicing their own. Kids are given pride materials to color now with no regard to parents faith. Yet we are told every child matters.

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Excellent. Has tones of A Modest Proposal. I have written the OCDSB to specifically request that they stop conflating disagreement with "hate" in their public statements, along the same lines of reasoning you have outlined here. I wish for you that one day you can de-anonymize yourself.

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Why is this concept so difficult to understand. Diversity is not perversity. Inclusion is not delusion. Public schools are not bulletin boards to advertise or support the gender preferences of any special interest groups. Given the current proclivity for inclusion, how long will it be before the MAPs community, an acronym for "Minor-Attracted Persons", better know as pedophiles, demand equal representation on the public school flag pole? And should this occur, will we be entertained by the same glad hand myopic vision of our government? Well, according to the great American philosopher, Forest Gump, the answer is yes, "Stupid is as stupid does".

Placing the state in charge of moral principles is equivalent to putting the proverbial fox in charge of the chicken coop.— Murray Rothbard2

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Yep. Trudeau does everything to tear Canada apart.

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I believe it was Trudeau that said Canada has no core identity. So naturally, this former drama teacher would try to turn our country into some play with bizarre characters in control.

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Oh, no....not Sesame Street...should have known when Elmo got the jab........ Parents Demand Answers As Sesame Street Begins Promoting ‘Gay Sex for Kids’ https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/parents-demand-answers-as-sesame-street-begins-promoting-gay-sex-for-kids/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Sorry but that jumped-up Liberal Party logo that is the Maple Leaf means nothing to me.

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