<< We can be sure that if the racialized child of immigrants was the TARGET of an assault by white England lads (and not the perpetrator of a massacre), our elites would not simply describe the victim as “born in Cardiff”. >>

You nailed it with that statement, D.E. (and of course, with the whole essay). A good article both in its own right, and as a response to Kutty.

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We cannot go on with such profound double standards.

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Excellent commentary.

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It never fails to amaze me how one foolish clown could turn the whole country into a three ring circus.

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An excellent example of this is the new about to become law put forward by the Libtards to have Canadians or any others to report any statements deemed offensive this is exactly what they did in occupied countries during WW 2, these traitors were rightly called "Quislings" The thought Police are alive and operating in Canada today.

I recently made a comment the other day offering my opinion on armed revolution which was flagged by some nit wit as "hate speech reported". I assume this will make its way to the so called proper authorities, I replied to her as follows "I am 75 yrs old and I dont give a shit" The truth is that I am 75 years old and I do not give a shit. I will stand up for what is right and what in my opinion is wrong.

The opinion I gave is that I do believe that things have gone so far wrong with our system that it allows despots and dictators like Justin Trudeau and all liberals to enslave us and deny our rights for their self gain. I agreed that my close friend was right when he commented that only an armed revolution can save us from these assholes who are bent on destroying Canada for their own self interest and I have been proved correct when Sellout Singh stopped his support of the turd only to be replaced by the Bloc Quebecoise who is not even a federal party but a bunch off separatist clowns. Canada indeed is broken.

Lest there be any doubt whatsoever let me say again that my opinion is that if we are to be denied the right to have an election whereby we can rid ourselves of this corrupt Liberal Govt then we do indeed need to have an armed revolution.

I would also like to add that "MY friend" that i referred to in my post is actually myself this is the truth but it remains my opinion and yes I am 75 for me it is time to shit or get of the pot so i expect any day the truth police headed up by the gestapo like Turdoe will come for me, so have at it you assholes.

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I know what you mean and l'm only 65. If l may humbly correct you on one small thing - the Bloc Quebecois is apparently a Federal Party but, l was told that they just don't put candidates forward in provinces outside of Quebec.

Now we have a ridulous situation where a minority group can pin it's tail to a donkey (aka Trudeau) and force the majority of Canadians to live in a soon to be third world country.

And back on the subject, Quebec agreed to accept 20,000+ immigrants on the condition they received additional funding from the feds Funding that l don't think other provinces were offered.

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Thanks I was unaware of that but then this is just one more goofy thing they have done to us after all how can you possibly have it as a federal Party when it only is for Quebecers.

Strange how it is only the retired and older folks who are unafraid of these dictators and nere do well traitors, but then I imagine all the younger ones are terrified of the language police coming for them. You may think it is bad now but just you wait until that new hate law is passed in the next sitting in Ottawa and just watch the "Quislings" come out of the closet and start turning everyone in who has an opinion contrary to the lieberals. These WW2 like "Quislings" will have your ass in jail for the $10,000 reward money and just like in Holland in WW2 they will remain anonymous and not have to testify in court, you will be denied their names and you can be sure they will be YOUR neighbours.

You young-uns are about to suffer just like those in occupied countries by the Nazi gestapo during WW2 Heil Turdo, seig heil Freeloader seig Heil all Lieberals

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22,000 "asylum seekers" landed in BC in the last couple of days with no federal funding.

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Yes indeed, more lieberal lies promising to cut back on these asswipes and terrorists yet they continue to destroy Canada, supported now by the separatists from Qubecistan which in reality is not a Canadian province what is more is that we are not a bilingual country that is the biggest lie of all. Dont believe me then move to Quebec an just try to speak English only.

I should note that I have driven all through Quebec and you hardly even see any Canadian flags even many Government buildings do not fly them.

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No whining, begging, or bitching.

In Canada, you are the sovereign In this petition, Here you are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his MPs to be arrested for treason.


This was faxed to 600 RCMP detachments. We consent for his arrest for treason

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Very good piece.

Kutty is woke and full of it, as is the worst PM in Canadian history: Justin. He has done more to tear Canada apart than anyone ever, including our Quebec separatists.

Similarly, Blair trashed England, and other Brit PM's continued the job, including "Conservative" PM's. And now Starmer is doing incredible damage in record short time: damaging free speech, emptying prisons of serious criminals, and how many grandparents will he and his comrades kill with their withdrawal of the energy subsidy during the coming winter - socialists at work!

But this phenomenon extends beyond the Anglosphere. Look at crime in Sweden, election results in Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Hungary, ... Thank God we still have elections in the advanced democracies and are about to throw Justin out big time, despite his attempts to buy votes and partner with loon parties!

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This is a beautifully written piece. Our legacy media hacks have failed us so comprehensively that I have no words to describe it.

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Excellent article. Thank you.

Clearly, Kutty is interested in the Platitudes of Wokeness only when they serve his particular religion's expansionist purposes.

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The scorching mind-blowing manipulation happening at all levels of our society (esp. through the twisted talking points and uncouth mouthpiece of legacy media) is totally diabolical. I am thankful in Canada for the HUGE efforts to get the truth out about the systemic corruption taking place in govt. and everywhere in our once great nation. God keep our truckers, the National Citizens Inquiry, Action 4 Canada, many medical professionals like Dr. William Makis, Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Chris Shoemaker, and countless other truthers like yourself who keep fighting the good fight and forging a way to freedom through alternative media. Most importantly, I appreciate to the utmost all good and honest Canadians who will not comply to lies and tyranny. United we stand, we must NOT let them divide us. 🙏

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The UK looks to be on the brink of collapse. I could go on for hours about the Thatcher years, then Blair getting dragged into the US's war in Iraq but, l think Brexit and Boris Johnson pushed Britain over the edge. From what l've gleened, no one in government expected the "leave" voters to win the referendum. Johnson didn't have a clue then Theresa May royally screwed it up, especially on the immigration issue.

I blame the media, especially the BBC. Journalists were not asking the tough questions about Brexit and voters weren't getting the facts upon which to make an informed decision. Similarly, when CoVid-19 came along, the media failed to do their job not just in the UK but, here in Canada as well.

What we are left with is a heavily censored media and a corrupt government. In the UK, it was Tommy Robinson that first reported the Rotherham grooming gangs and he was literally arrested and sent to prison.

Then Wikileaks' Julian Assange was punished for revealling video of US war crimes. Recently Middle East expert, Richard Medhurst was arrested upon his return to Heathrow and had all his recording equipment taken.

Another journalist, Sarah Wilkenson who has been writing about Palestine for 20+ years was abducted from her home in Shrewsbury by "police" and held without a warrent while her house was ransacked and all her electronic devices removed. Yesterday (Weds) the Electronic Intafada was blocked by You Tube because they also support Palestime.

I knew it was bad when Israel banned Al Jazerra and the IDF snipers have killed at least 140 reporters in Palestine. Netanyahu made a call and told Biden to block Tic Toc because they were sharing videos that were clearly Anti-Semitic!

Without freedom of speech and freedom of the press we are not a free people.

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