And yet Todd Smith quietly quits his job rather than calling out the disfunction. This was his opportunity to do something/anything to fix a broken system. At least he owes it to us to speak out on the problem and why he chose to step down.

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My thoughts exactly.

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Yes--though the quitting itself speaks volumes.

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Yeah, well, let's just say, no true Conservative would do such a thing! (No true Scotsman neither, when it comes down to it.)

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Meanwhile the reality is my kid is the ONLY white- looking girl in the whole elementary school. Not just in her class. The whole entire school. She's mixed but not mixed enough. She is ignored, socially isolated and depressed. She is taught she doesn't matter. My son the same thing in high school. The Minority category has shifted drastically. Which is fine but CRT is so toxic it's dangerous to the health and safety of kids who don't identify as anything.

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Have they tried non-binary? (Sorry, I shouldn't jest. I absolutely do sympathize.)

Anonymous, you might appreciate this article over at FAIR: https://news.fairforall.org/p/anything-but-proud Lisa Gilbert writes about how trans ideology is so pervasive in school that her 15-year-old mixed race son (with two moms) feels excluded.

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As someone who, like Igor, works in education, there isn't a day when I don't want to go live off grid and get away from all this toxic woke nonsense. But, we sane educators, if we can keep our jobs, are the French resistance of the education system. Someone has to be the voice of reason and quietly refuse to spread this nonsense. I know we are the silent majority. It seems like a missed opportunity for the Minister to step down. We really need a leader with power and authority to challenge. Great job Igor, I always look forward to your posts.

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God Bless you and the sane teachers like you. My family lives in the heart of Woke-ism but my kids have had really solid teachers that held the line.

It isn't a missed opportunity because clearly he is a coward that wasn't up for the task.

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Stellar article, spot on. We all see it happening yet when issues are brought to the attention of staff or trustees, parents are ignored or worse austrasized and called names. Most parents don't want to cause complain in order to protect their own children, their grades, thinking that the teacher or principal might take it out on the student. How awful. I do not blame Todd for moving on. It's one of the toughest portfolios. You are fighting the unions, teachers, trustees, directors etc. who, imo, are overwhelmingly leftists plus parents who disagree with DEI, pornography in libraries, identity politics, gender ideology and so on. Jill will have comlaints from all sides.

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I especially like: “No- a genuine Conservative could not run a school system in which hard work, dedication, and merit are denigrated as “colonial”, nor could he take charge of a system in which any form of discipline is considered abusive, a system in which those who work hard and achieve are punished, while those who accept their victimhood and slack off are rewarded.”

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This article is as pertinent and sterling as all the others by Igor Stravinsky.

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The problem is systemic. Meat Head is no different than Trudeau. They all want to capitalize on political correctness. During the past three years Ford's Government has given 60 mil towards the unmarked graves hoax with another 10 mil this year. MPP Greg Rickford, Minister of Northern Development and Indigenous Affairs publicly stated, "it was the right thing to do and Ontario is leading the rest of Canada in this area". Letters enquiring as to whom was the beneficiary of this generosity have gone unanswered. There is little if any transparency in government today as they have all become donkeys following the carrot.

"That's another fine mess you've got me into, Stanley"..........Oliver Hardy

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In an essay on Unsafe Science, Jacob Mackey explains the difference between virtuous lies, bullshit, noble lies, and luxury beliefs. In part:

<< A virtuous lie is a false, misleading, or highly contestable claim that is promulgated without qualification as flatly true in order to serve a purportedly emancipatory end. . . . A virtuous lie is moralized misinformation. It is misleading information that carries a positive moral valence. Believing a virtuous lie is “good.” . . . Questioning the lie is tantamount to questioning the worthiness of the goal it underwrites. >>


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Meegwetch, Joan. I had no idea there were to many genera of lies. I think I like Nancy Farmer's explanation the best when she says:

""I always say the truth is best even when we find it unpleasant. Any rat in a sewer can lie. It's how rats are. It's what makes them rats. But a human doesn't run and hide in dark places, because he's something more. Lying is the most personal act of cowardice there is." ~ Nancy Farmer

Any ways, in keeping with the subject at hand, I have given you a little ear worm to brighten your day. Regrettably, this artist is now singing, "I am in the jail house now".


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The font of this educational rot is the universities, for which DEI has been mandated by the Prime Minister. Universities throughout are deeply woke corrupt. Don't forget that university faculties of education are notoriously the most radical in the universities. And it is they that indoctrinate the provincial school officials and administrators, the leaders of the ever egregious teachers' unions, and the teachers themselves. The most constructive step would be to disband all faculties of educations and require qualification based on real academic disciplines. Unfortunately, all of the social "sciences" and humanities have been contaminated and are totally woke corrupt. So English, History, etc. no longer train academics, but instead ideological activists. The only course of correction is the dismantling of universities by provincial legislatures and the rebuilding of them as Enlightenment institutions striving to expand knowledge and search for truth.

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Sadly your "only course of correction" is both wildly unrealistic and ironically and hypocritically ideological(ly activist). "Woke" just is the latest iteration of "Enlightenment." And "real academic disciplines" are what? -- whatever "disciplines" are really found in the "academy"; and yes, so it is even if they're chock full of ill-informed ideological bullshit.

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Not only is reform not "wildly unrealistic," but some American states--Florida, Texas, Oklahoma--have taken serious steps is attacking woke academia, and other are considering following. (Of course, backward Canada is another matter.) Woke is not so much "the latest iteration of 'Enlightenment,'" but the exact opposite. While Enlightenment academic is open to a range of ideas and searches for truth based on evidence, woke academia is devoted to an illiberal ideology that provides extremist answers to social questions. That is why woke academic rejects achievement and merit and replaces them with racism, sexism, and anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian, and anti-Jew hate.

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All my children have long finished schooling as most of my Grandchildren, the only two left are teens in a small village so not affected like those in cities. Thank God for that.

It is you poor young couples who have to face this nonsense today and you need to grow a set and put up such a fuss that it makes these asshats in power do something or loose their power in the next election, so do something get off your lazy asses and boot them all to the curb.

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And coming soon to a school near you: An “educational” board game called THE TRUTH in TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION, wherein the church and the government stand in the corners to collect Shame Cards, while players move around the board losing their land, culture, language and resources. Comes with its own trigger warning: Not meant to be fun! The first player to collect 12 Assimilation Cards is the loser. Recommended for 14+, but an elementary school version is in the works!

I doubt parents will be rushing out to buy these for their kids (at $99.99 a pop), but fear not; the plan is to get them into schools everywhere, so your child will not miss out.

See it demonstrated here: https://shop.medicinewheelpublishing.com/products/the-truth-in-truth-and-reconciliation-tool-kit or (better video) at the Facebook link below.

If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll note that the three reviewers so far have all chosen to be anonymous. Hmm.

And if you go to the bottom of the bio page for Teddy Anderson (founder of Medicine Wheel Publishing, https://medicinewheelpublishing.com/teddy-anderson/), you'll note that Medicine Wheel is (or was) funded by the Government of Canada and supported by the Province of British Columbia.

EDIT: A better video to see the game explained by Teddy Anderson is this one on the Medicine Wheel Facebook page: https://fb.watch/u3vJDbWjMQ/

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Does this game come with a free medicine doll ?

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'Fraid not, Kemosabe. But you DO get "The Genuine Guide Book" and also the "Tales of the Firekeeper" book!! : ) Like, wow, don't be greedy! BTW, I edited my post above to include a better video link to show how the game is played.

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I can't wait to play this with my grandchildren which I will tell them its called the blame game.

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Can you blame him for walking away? Well ... I guess it depends on whether you expect politicians to stand up and do difficult things or not. Of what use are they if they don't though? It reminds me of that Barbie doll from the past, "Math is hard!" What politician wants to get his hands dirty when he sees his job as looking good in a suit with a red or blue tie?

Yes Barbie, math is hard. And so is bringing about any kind of worthwhile change.

Resigning from politics entirely should be Todd Smith's next move ... now that he's admitted he's not up to doing the hard thing.

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So real conservatives should walk away rather than try to fix the problem?

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Igor's highly speculative and generous notion for Todd Smith's exit from politics after being handed the education post seems specious when his school administrator wife Tawyna signals her embrace of the woke lunacy by affirming the arbitrariness and mutability of gender, broadcasting she is indeed "she and her", and thanks to her skin colour that of their two children, are automatic members of the woke elite.

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