James Pew, the maverick journalist, writes: “I would go as far as to say that those students not interested in the buffet of sexual non-conformity and deviance on display in school libraries are the majority. Which begs the question, are these materials intended to make the minority feel accepted, or are they designed to make deviance acceptable to the majority?” The latter is correct as trans kids don’t want the limelight, just their school groomers.

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Bingo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Absolutely disgusting, morally repulsive and socially aberrant. What kind of deranged deviant could possibly consider such trash suitable for kids or for any normal person, for that matter. This isn't diversity, its perversity. My children are grown up, but had they ever came home from school with such garbage there would have been a major brouhaha at the school and board office. As to the question when should they learn about this, "NEVER" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"One thing is to have the protection of human rights for homosexuals and quite something else is this promotion of indecency. It would be immoral and unethical to deny the homosexuals their human rights. But it is also immoral to consider disorders as normal. None of these deviances are biological." ~ Ali Sina

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I think I probably learned the meaning of the word when I was maybe 30. Many people I know today probably don't know the meaning of the word, nor care to. I am no prude, but most of this stuff really has no place being available, much less promoted, to even high school kids. Once you are 18 and onto university or college, read what you want. Until then, maybe not.

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Oddly, this deck of cards, apparently intended as an important resource, something to inform and to "empower" teens sexually and for whom the activities are within their "norm"--would make the average adult feel like an inexperienced pre-teen! Personally, I haven't done any of these things. I thought our new progressive literature was supposed to make people feel included and safe? Based on the "normalizing" info of the "Sex: From A-Z" cards---I feel excluded and weird.

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James this was so well written, thank you for shining the light on this vile stuff pushed onto kids. It’s György Lukács all over again. Just astounds me that so many working in the system accept this. It’s horrific psychological & emotional abuse of students.

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Any so-called teacher who would deal with this level of filth in a publicly-funded classroom should be fired and charged with moral turpitude. And any Board that would allow and promote this kind of social degradation for anyone let alone young people in their charge should be dismissed and prevented from ever again running for public office. Society will pay an enormous price for allowing this level of social deviance.

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Another cracker, James! Keep chipping away the foundation is following suit. Only the morally adrift would argue for inclusion of this dreck as curriculum.( Lost my full comment to the Gremlins of buffer, drat.) Shared across the board.

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Giving this disgusting rubbish to children is an act of war.

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We are living at a time when certain power groups think it is OK to expose young students to a whole range of sexual perversions. Because society is contaminated by genetic failures in its reproductive outcomes they argue that they must be treated inclusively. In other words the normal majority should adjust their level of thought and actions more in line with that of the abnormal.This thinking guarantees the ultimate extinction of the species and the breakdown of social order.

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This content is fine for 14 year olds. Anyone who says differently doesn’t remember what it was like to be 14 and wholly under estimates the power of a 14 year brain to process this information.

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How young would you go with this content? 12 is not much younger.... what about 12? And saying this, then what content is NOT fine for 14 year olds? Why not show porno movies in school, to educate students on what porno is? After all, anyone who says differently doesn't remember what it was like to be 14 and wholly underestimates the power of a 14 year old brain to process this information.

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I think 14 is fine.

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I am thinking you might be an agent provocateur. However, you give no evidence why you think 14 is fine to show this material.... it's simply a subjective judgement. Anything can be "fine," if one has no boundaries or limits. Maybe a sex worker could come in to talk with the girls on the stigma of sex work and why it is actually a dignified profession. I mean, if you're teaching about fel ching, this isn't much further along. And...why not 12, or is 12 also fine?

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The evidence I gave in the original comment is that I was once 14 and remember what it was like to be that age.

My peer group at that age was already full of that type of information, with a certain type always trying to one-up everyone with something worse. For context, I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian culture which probably made the curiosity and imagination. This was in the 80s so there wasn’t a lot of source material to verify these claims other than the porn stash that every dude seemed to have.

Add into the mix that I’ve always had an interest in the more flamboyant side of presenting oneself to the world. Bright colours, flowing fabric, you know, pirate stuff. I got called gay a lot growing up. Given the Christian culture I was in, it was hard to figure out what that meant. Turns out I’m not, just autistic (it’s own kind of weirdness), although I had to do a lot of reading of adult books and awkward moments with actually gay people to find that out.

Anyway, the gay tag followed me through high school. I never bothered correcting people, because there’s nothing wrong or deviant about being gay. There was always the threat of violence, but I ended up being quite the big boy. In the end I found my people, left the church and everything worked out ok for me.

It didn’t work out for a good friend that was gay though. He committed suicide shortly after high school. He internalized the hate in a way that I didn’t. He was small and shy and out in the real world he couldn’t pass for straight like I could. The world out there was too hard for him. If he was going through high school now he would have felt accepted by the world around him. If he had books like the ones in the article, he could have known that he had a place in the wide spectrum of human sexuality.

I have the evidence of experience and compassion. I want a world where we can all find our place and thrive as good moral people with what ever our biology gave us in the lottery of birth.

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So you think it probably would have been fine for you. Therefore, it seems

Reasonable to have this in schools?

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First, you have no idea whether this would have been okay for you. Second, why would you assume this is okay for everyone. Last. WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE IN SCHOOL? Kids graduate and can’t write a proper sentence but they know how to felch. Why is this in a school?

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Kids know about marijuana too by 14. That doesn’t mean we should teach how to cook meth.

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You make some good points, Glenn, based on your own experience. What I am wondering though, is where the limits are. It seems we are going from one extreme to the other. Most kids masturbate, for example, but are schools the place to learn the techniques of how to do it? (as one example shows in the article). William makes a good point re: "kids know about marijuana and crystal meth by age 14." That doesn't mean the schools should give out instructions teaching them how to smoke it, even though it would likely be seen as fine and very interesting to learn for quite a number of 14 year olds, as would having sex workers in to talk about their trade, a straight couple or a B and D couple in to talk about their sexual techniques, etc., Teaching tolerance of difference is a good thing, within limits... but teaching the techniques of every sexual difference in schools to impressionable kids is another thing. I don't think it's the job of the education system. However, in these days of moral relativity, anything is possible.

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I’ll say it again, I think 14 is fine to know about human sexuality. I’m not an expert in developmental psychology, so I’ll leave it to the experts to to talk about the hows of learning at that age.

There’s no slippery slope, it’s been a social consensus for decades. Things aren’t getting worse, the material is just getting closer to the breadth of human experience.

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Schools were primarily for teaching academics, but now the school is the primary institution for teaching about sexuality and gender, and not just in general, all the specifics, according to a certain ideological point of view, which eschews any morality or judgement, in fact, that emphasizes non-binary and marginalized sexual practices. It appears you believe that schools should teach homo and heterosexual sexual techniques to 14 year olds, and tell elementary school children there's no such thing as boys and girls. It seems, for you, there are no limits to what the school might teach children and young teenagers in the area of sex and gender.. I strongly disagree that there is a positive social consensus on teaching these subjects in this manner . Maybe among ideologues. Most parents would strongly disagree.

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