I love that guy who kept saying he's a Principal and puffing his chest like he's the #1 in the world, even thought he's just a "Vice" Principal, I did not get involved this deep with school boards until end of September this year, one thing I will say is that if any of these people worked in a private business they would most likely all be changing their tunes on their current realities

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Kaplan-Myrth is a DANGEROUS KOOK, who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children and should not be practicing medicine.

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Unfortunately she’s jabbed hundreds or thousands of kids with her jabbapalooza schemes. Cosmic karma is a thing.

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Do we need anymore evidence than this that the lunatics are running the asylum. Where the HE__ double hockey sticks is Nurse Ratched when we need her. I am beginning to wonder whether I am imagining all this or have we really entered the "Twighlight Zone".

"You're travelling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination - Next stop, the Twilight Zone!" Rod Serling

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It's past time for Ford and the Education Minister to place these woke radical boards under trusteeship. They are dangerous to children and to parents.

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Insane. The pushback is revealing them for who they really are, isn't it. Hopefully as more light gets shined on this the public opinion will start to turn against them.

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I hope parents continue to show up and fight at the school board meetings. Otherwise we will lose the next Generation to the woke cult.


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We are being too tolerant of these brainwashed mobs. Look at what happened to women's rights activist Kelly-Jay Keen in Auckland NZ! They think they can redefine words and dictate what's hateful according to their ever changing criteria and then threaten and attack heretics as they please. It's insane. Most are followers but antifa militants are active in this movement. Its absurdity is the point because their aim is to disrupt and confuse and also to confront their far right nemesis. In Portland OR it's the Proud Boys, in Auckland it was Nazis. Trans and women's issues are just a proxy in the broader scheme. At the school and local level we have to stop allowing such insanity to become normalized. Freedom of speech is at stake.

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You have got to stop the ad hominems such as “crazy lunatic”, “bearded nutjob” etc. They may be such but if you want to be taken seriously: go high. I would have distributed this except the mudslinging undermines.

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Robin, it's an opinion piece and we are for free speech. If you view the video of the guy's behavior, it is clear that calling him crazy is appropriate. The point of writing an opinion piece is to make the opinion of the writer clear. There is a high bar that must be crossed, and the bearded principal and Kaplan-Myrth have both crossed it. To not describe their behaviour as unhinged, anti-social, and crazy, is to not be accurate AND not represent the author's authentic feelings. The MSM has zero authenticity...people read WWC because we are a collection of authentic voices. I don't see what censoring that will accomplish.

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You are preaching to the converted here. I am opposed to these people and their agenda as much as you are. My point is that you will be MORE effective without the name calling. This isn’t about “censorship” (are you kidding?) but about your message succeeding because it is professionally argued.

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Yes, you have a point, Robin re: quality of debate. Considering recent school violence in Tennessee, we should realize that limits or boundaries can be crossed, because of the emotional nature of the activists. How far it's going to go is unknown. All sides have their fanatics, and what we are seeing here are the trans activist extremists who come out to these demos. Anything is possible, I would not attend at all, too dangerous.

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Hopefully, outside of Academia more people are beginning to reject the woke cult. Definitely time to get people out of public schools though.


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