When the woke double down
The unhinged exploits of a woke school board, a maniacal authoritarian trustee, and a cult of trans-activists
In my last piece concerning the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) and its histrionic and authoritarian trustee, Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth, I pointed to a redoubtable national trend. From that piece:
“...a trend we are seeing at school boards across the country. A parent or teacher concerned with something linked to the alarmingly enthusiastic embrace of gender ideology by the provincial ministries of education and Canadian school boards, is either silenced during a delegation (and later called a trans-phobe), or otherwise subject to some form of backlash (including being called a trans-phobe) simply for sharing their views and expressing commonly held concerns - in most cases the Human Rights Code is invoked as justification for infringing on the free speech rights of parents and teachers.”
Unfortunately Nick Morabito fell victim to the pattern described above. But first, here is a summary of the controversy at the OCDSB:
On March 7 2023, during a public OCDSB meeting, Trustee Kaplan-Myrth rudely interrupted and cut short Nick Morabito, a concerned father who was respectfully voicing concern regarding the OCDSB policy of allowing any individual who chooses to identify as female to share bathroom and change room spaces with his 12 year old daughter. Kaplan-Myrth made defamatory remarks about Mr. Morabito to the Ottawa Citizen the next day: “There is no way to frame it other than transphobia.”
To give you a sense of the type of person Kaplan-Myrth is, below is a complication video of her public rantings (note: to play embedded Twitter videos, click the play button in the bottom left corner):

Commenting on the OCDSB controversy in the March 9th report for True North, Sue Ann Levy made the following remark:
“This is happening, I might add, as Premier Doug Ford and his weak education minister Stephen Lecce stand idly by and allow progressives to trample on the rights of parents. One wonders how they can still claim to be Conservative.”
“Transphobic hate speech” is what Kaplan-Myrth called the petition - that sought to hold her accountable for her comments about Mr. Morabito - which was set up the day after the board meeting. It garnered over 7500 signatures on Change.org, but was taken down from the platform after the OCDSB wrote them a letter calling it a “scurrilous attack on Trustee Kaplan-Myrth...part of an ongoing and unacceptable vilification of an elected representative.” The letter contained no comment regarding Trustee Kaplan-Myrth’s “scurrilous attack” on Mr. Morabito, which the petition was set up to address, or of the “ongoing and unacceptable vilification” of parents happening across the country.
A second petition, worded carefully so as not to be interpreted as transphobic or hateful, was also removed after Kaplan-Myrth sicced her lawyers on Change.org - who seem to have little backbone or concern for liberal values. What is with that?
The Original Petition to remove Trustee Kaplan-Myrth was reported on in the Toronto Sun. Kaplan-Myrth’s response was typical: “We must continue to speak against transphobia, homophobia, racism, antisemitism, misogyny.”
The second petition was launched by an anonymous parent who said, “... having my representative be trustee Kaplan-Myrth and having her not willing to listen to anything that I have to say that differs with her opinion…I believe it would be best if she resigned.” Kaplan-Myrth, right on cue, accused the parent of being “fueled by hate.”
Circulating around Twitter yesterday, was a letter dated March 27th from lawyer Rudi Taylor threatening legal action if an apology from Kaplan-Myrth was not forthcoming. The letter demands a written and publicly posted apology from Kaplan-Myrth to all the petition signers, who she said endorsed hate crimes.
Last night the OCDSB held another public board meeting. True North journalist Eli Cantin-Nantel was on the scene. One of his first tweets of the evening was a pic of the masked trans activists assembled outside the school.
The crowd of trans-activists were there to overwhelm the meeting, which only had capacity for 75 people. This is a common tactic of trans-activism. In creepy and cult-like broken record fashion they chanted “support trans kids,” and did their best to intimidate anyone who was not one of their allies (read cult members).
Horizon Ottawa is the radical progressive activist organization that put the call out for trans-activists to flood the OCDSB meeting. Which they did.
Chanel Pfahl and the Post Millennials Mia Ashoton showed up to the meeting but were turned away due to over capacity. Chanel stayed long enough to take some video including of an insane creep who claims to be a principal at the OCDSB (see below).
Regular Woke Watch Canada contributor Shannon Douglas, and concerned parent, Nick Morabito were both slated to delegate. When Shannon arrived he had to fight his way through the crowd of trans-activists who pushed and shoved him and screamed “transphobe” as he entered the building
Once inside, Shannon gave a compelling delegation reminding the board of the right to free expression that all Canadians enjoy. Shannon called for the board to issue a written apology to Mr. Morabito for the defamatory comments made by Kaplan-Myrth during the previous board meeting.
Here is Shannon’s delegation:

On a plus note. Mr. Morabito was able to deliver his full delegation without anyone cutting him off.
It does appear though, that in the days before the meeting some threatening, hateful and anti-Semitic messages were sent to Kaplan-Myrth. Although, in following the developments on Twitter, it is clear that there was quite a bit of skepticism about the authenticity of the hateful messages Kaplan-Myrth claims to have received.
The overwhelming majority of people who signed the petitions to have Kaplan-Myrth removed, or who speak out against harmful gender affirmation practices (applied to young children) are not hateful, as Kaplan-Myrth would have us believe. However, watching the videos taken by Chanel Pfahl and Eli Cantin-Nantel of the scene in the parking lot before and after the meeting, will give readers a sense of who the hateful people at OCDSB last night really were.
In this video an extremely unlikeable person, with a overtly condescending tone patronizes members of the public. According to Chanel, this idiot is an OCDSB principal (there is also another video of him below screaming and swearing at people). He can be heard near the beginning saying he is a principal who is there to make sure elementary kids have a “safe space.”

Here is a video taken by Mia Ashton aka CryMiaRiver. It shows cult members chanting “support trans kids.” Do you think they realize what they are actually supporting is the drugging of kids and chopping off of their body parts?

More video before the meeting started:

Check out the chaos filmed by lawyer Caryma Sa’d. The crazy lunatic with the beard who is seen screaming and swearing at people is apparently a principal at OCDSB. At one point he is seen reaching over an appearing to attempt to grab a cell phone out of a woman’s hand, which caused a ruckus. I have not been able to verify who the bearded nutjob is, or if he is indeed a principal. One thing I can say without hesitation, is that I would never allow my kids to be enrolled in a school where a maniac like this was the principal. This guy is completely unhinged (just like Kaplan-Myrth) and should not be anywhere near children.

Josh Alexander was at the meeting. He is a 16 year old Catholic school student who was suspended from school for speaking out against trans males in female washrooms. Watch the trans-activists assault Josh as he leaves the building:

I’ll leave it at that for today, but will follow up with the OCDSB in the coming days and weeks.
Thanks for reading. For more from this author read When hate crimes break from the "white supremacy" narrative
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I love that guy who kept saying he's a Principal and puffing his chest like he's the #1 in the world, even thought he's just a "Vice" Principal, I did not get involved this deep with school boards until end of September this year, one thing I will say is that if any of these people worked in a private business they would most likely all be changing their tunes on their current realities
Kaplan-Myrth is a DANGEROUS KOOK, who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children and should not be practicing medicine.