Show solidarity, with whom exactly?
Wearing a scarf is easy, try living in an Islamic fundamentalist state for a day!
By N. Invictus (an anonymous Canadian teacher)
Madame Jama
My understanding is that you are a Member of the Provincial Parliament of Ontario and are required to respect and abide by the rules set by the Speaker of the Legislature. One of the reasons that made Canada the great country that it was (not so great anymore) had to do with its governing body and its law and order. Just like all of us, you are fortunate to call this country your home, and you owe a great deal of your freedom, progress, education, and life to all the factors that made this nation what it is, including the legislature and its rules, which all MPPs have to abide by and follow accordingly.Â
The role of the MPP is to represent the people of his or her constituency, not his or her own personal perspective or affiliation with any group or ideology. ( Jama, who has Palestinian family, said wearing the keffiyeh is the least she can do to show solidarity.) Besides, foreign affairs are not within your purview, nor within the purview of the Ontario legislature. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could kindly show your solidarity with whomever you wish on your own time, in public spaces, and on your personal social media platforms. In fact, it would be appropriate for all elected officials, including our Prime Minister, who selectively addresses matters of his preference and outside of his purview, to stick to their portfolios when expressing opinions and refrain from involvement in matters outside of their jurisdiction unless they are doing so as private citizens.
You seem to forget that it is an honour to serve the people— the people of this country who all have ties to different parts of the world including parts you do not approve of. If you still wish to be an activist supporting a certain group, you are free to do so, but you have chosen the wrong arena. You have no right to undermine the very same principles for which either you or your parents came here, and you were elected to work within, protect, and respect. Wrong move Madame! Your defiance is not bravery; in fact, it underscores what is at stake if Canadians succumb to the narrative you seem to be advocating. There would be nothing left of the already endangered law and order of our country.Â
If by disobeying the speaker’s decision you were trying to raise any sort of awareness, all you proved to those who can see through the facade is that we need to stand even stronger against the mass hysteria that has taken over our country and has obviously leaked into the legislature. Mr. Ford’s public remark about this ban is disappointing, to say the least. It is high time that the PC Ontario showed some spine instead of trying to please voters if that was the intention behind the said remark. And if our Premier genuinely disagrees with Speaker Arnott’s rationale regarding banning the scarf in the legislature, "saying it was being worn to make a political statement, contrary to the rules of the assembly," then we are in much deeper trouble. If we want to live in Western Civilization and benefit from what it has to offer, we need to immunize ourselves against these cries of compassion that are nothing but slogans of dominance in disguise. Rallies that ring the tone of taking over, sound like invasions, and demonstrations that portray entitlement without gratitude all seem to be never-ending. And make no mistake, they will not end until they take over everything we hold dear, our Canada.
I can comprehend young Canadian students, ignorant and completely foreign to the ways of life of Islamic fundamentalists, radicals, etc., which they would not be able to bear even for a day, becoming emotional over the death of many—which is happening—and exercising their right to protest on campuses because I know that they are young, influenced, lack wisdom, and I have hope that they will grow up, face the realities of life, and learn to look deeper into matters and detect the factual elements at play or step back and acknowledge their lack of knowledge. Simply put, not to accept things based on face value. However, when adults like you cross the line between their official duties and their personal feelings and interests, the game changes, and not for the better. Let’s face it, if you had defied the chair of any organization in one of the countries or states under Islamic fundamentalist or radical rule, you would not have received the same polite treatment or even some unwarranted and disappointing sympathy that you received here in Canada! And if you truly do not know what would have happened to you as women under the same rules you show solidarity for, then I would have suggested taking a field trip, if I did not know what they would do to you! Wearing a scarf, even against the rules in a free Western country, is easy. You even get media attention, and some naive polite Canadians will rush to accommodate you and spare your feelings. Try living under the rule of a radical Islamic state as a woman!Â
As for Mr. Ford’s remark, who should know better, based on his concern about division among people, it is obvious that what unites us is what we have in common—our shared humanity and Canadian identity. The one and only symbol fitting for our publicly funded buildings and institutions is, and should be, the Canadian Flag.
Solidarity with and respect for Canada and its people is long overdue.
Thanks for reading. For more from this author, read Diversity, our destructive doom
A new long-form essay by Dr. M - Fulcrum and Pivot: The New Left Remaking of Toronto School Policy
James Pew has contributed a chapter to the new book Grave Error: How The Media Misled us (And the Truth about Residential Schools). You can read about it here - The Rise of Independent Canadian Researchers
Also, for more evidence of the ideological indoctrination in Canadian education, read Yes, schools are indoctrinating kids! And also, Yes, The University is an Indoctrination Camp!
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I agree with this opinion. It should be one we see daily on CBC, CTV and Global news. Sadly, Canada has lost her freedom of expression in favour of oppressive authoritarian identity politics led by Justin Trudeau and his enabler Jagmet Singh.
Bloody wankers and for all those Canadian idiots running around shouting anti Israeli slogans those people you are supporting absolutely hate your guts just like me and would kill you in a heartbeat. How stupid can those in academia be has history not taught you anything?
The holocaust was not a movie or propaganda it was very real and what happened in Nazi Germany can and is happening here in good old Canada today, so give your heads a shake.