By N. Invictus (an anonymous Canadian teacher)
What a shame that during such a beautiful month of the year, when flowers are in bloom, the weather is sweet, and the outdoors is calling to us, the focus is on the most homophobic event that has been extended to the whole month!
In my reflections posted last year, I mentioned my disengagement with the natural phenomenon of the rainbow. The subtle, faded, and gentle colours that appear in the sky as soft background music have turned into bold, aggressive, and screaming tones from which there is no escape. It no longer happens once in a while, nor does it create feelings of awe anymore; it is in my face all the time, and much more pronounced in this gorgeous month of spring. How awful!
Although I believe in personal freedom and respect people and their choices, I draw the line when their choices become my moral obligation or are imposed on children. The imposition of the distastefully designed colourful flag on publicly funded buildings and institutions is an invasion of a sexually obsessed religion that intends to assert its domination on our nation. There is no escape from it all year round. It is there at all schools by the Canadian flag as if there are 2 groups of people, Canadians and the Colourful alphabetians! So not inclusive!
As for the parade that some are so proud of, I find it extremely homophobic. During the 24 years that I have lived in Canada, I have interacted, worked, collaborated, supported, and befriended people who fall under the alphabet category. All of them have been lovely individuals for whom I have nothing but respect. None of them have ever presented the grotesque display of promiscuity, vulgar behaviour, and lack of decency that are among the main themes of the parades held in June. Moreover, many of them despised these parades and rightfully found them insulting. Portraying people who have different tendencies in their sexual attraction in such a manner is branding them as such—no wonder they are offended.
One would think it is obvious that who we are is much deeper and more profound than the narrow-minded and shallow focus on with whom and how we engage in sexual interactions! Why would anyone forgo character, competency, contribution and consent to reducing their identity to such a tiny part of their being? Beats me! Why would the value of such pleasures—if they are pleasurable—be prioritized over intellect, intelligence, improvement, independence, insight, intuition, and innovation? Among all the things that we could be proud of—things that would serve others, improve our communities, protect our neighbourhoods, make our nation stronger, build a better future, and help our children have a childhood and grow—why are all sorts of sexual interactions, including BDSM (bondage, dominance, submission, sadomasochism) what Canada is proud of! What a shame!
Though I initially came to terms with and accepted these manifestations of hedonistic pleasures as a consequence of living in a free society, I later learned that ironically the freedom to express modest displeasure, let alone objection, to what I may consider gross is non-existent. Therefore, the expansion of a one-day celebration to a week and later a month is not a consequence of living in a free society; quite the contrary, it is one of the ways of controlling people, manipulating them, busying them with trivial matters, distracting them from what truly matters, dominating their minds, dividing them into more and more invented group identities, and ultimately, destroying their Canadian identity—what we really should be proud of.
While our country is in need of men and women who will stand up and get Canada back on the right track, masses of people are seemingly enjoying parades and exhibitions of exploitative behaviours.
Take the red pill!
Thanks for reading. For more from this author, read Show solidarity, with whom exactly?
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James Pew contributed a chapter to the best-selling book Grave Error: How The Media Misled us (And the Truth about Residential Schools). You can read about it here - The Rise of Independent Canadian Researchers
A long-form essay by Dr. M - Fulcrum and Pivot: The New Left Remaking of Toronto School Policy
 For evidence of the ideological indoctrination in Canadian education, read Yes, schools are indoctrinating kids! And also, Yes, The University is an Indoctrination Camp!
My wife and I have friends also that are gay and I am quite certain that many others do also, what you say is quite correct. The W.E.F. the rich and elite are purposely driving wedges into every aspect of life for the average person. Make no mistake this is designed on purpose to break our moral they wish to enslave everyone and turn us into drones in order that they may rule the world just like the Lords and so called chosen few hundreds of years ago.
Canada is now ruled by a demigod or so he would like to think, the most disgusting liar to ever be elected who is raping our country imposing his will on all, in the course of only a few years he has taxed the bejeesus out of the middle and lower classes while enriching the elite and corporations at our expense. Even worse than that is how he has alienated every Province and most people living in this once great country. His false accusations have convinced the world that colonials committed genocide on our native population a falsehood still perpetuated by our governing elite despite the fact that not a single grave has yielded a person that was killed. History shows that genocide can easily be proven as has been shown in the likes of the killing fields of Pol Pot, Russia, Poland during WW 2 under Hitler and Stalin, graves dug up from the days of the Roman empire also prove genocide and yet as U say not a single residential school grave has proven even a single death.
This country has been destroyed by Mr Socks a failed kindergarden teacher who lets face it is a queer himself as evidenced by his pretty socks that he loves to display as well as the fact that he is the author of all the sexual perversion going on in our schools and society today. As everyone reading this will note my full proper name is displayed in this article and all my previous ones as well, I refuse to hide from this dingbat and his bobblehead crew as well as his thought police come and get me you chumps.
A note to all reading this, a reporter from Rebel News is appearing in courtroom 202 this morning on trumped up charges from back in January, I like hundreds of others saw the live video of this event and there was No obstruction of Police or anyone else on his part so here we are in another Kangaroo court just like the Convoy trial which has and will be again be directed by none other than that vengeful prick and Liar in chief of Canada a full blown traitor as is now evidenced by the fact that he refuses to allow the names of proven MP traitors to Canada and the free world to be known to the TAXPAYERS and all Citizens of this country who are being adversly compromised.
I think most people attend this parade for entertainment not to show solidarity with the movement. Its just a entertaining and amusing spectacle with colorful but disturbing displays of perversion. For our invertebrate politicians its an opportunity to revel and promote delusional visions of inclusivity. Go figure.
"The loneliest feeling in the world is when you think you are leading the parade and turn to find that no one is following you. No president who badly misguesses public opinion will last very long." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt